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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №1 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Individual human characteristics that define the biological effects of low-intensity electromagnetic fields in the correction of the different functional states during operator activity
functional state
spectrum analysis
non linear dynamics
electromagnetic fields
variation cardio measure
psychophysiological testing
N. N. Lebedeva - Dr.Sc.(Biol.), Professor, Head of Laboratory, Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of RAS (Moscow)
E. D. Karimova - Junior Research Scientist, Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of RAS
E. D. Karimova - Junior Research Scientist, Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of RAS
There are numerous data about positive and therapeutic effects of low-intensity electromagnetic fields (EMF). However, many researchers point to the fact that the individual features determine the effect of the EMF exposure. The reactions may vary up to the opposite depending on various parameters of EMF exposure and psychophysiological characteristics of the person. In this regard, this study was devoted to the investigation of the possibility of human functional state correction during a long monotony operator activity. The monotony state appearance leads to a decrease of attention, reaction speed, and, consequently, deterioration of the work quality. Thus, this functional state is extremely dangerous, and one of the most important challenges is to find a convenient way of correcting negative manifestations of this condition.
There were three series of experiments investigating the correction of a functional state by three EMF different ranges: a low-frequency (LF), extremely high frequency (EHF) and ultra high frequency (UHF). Twenty volunteers participated in the first two series of experiments (10 persons in a series using the LF EMF and 10 persons in series with the use of EHF EMF). The possibility of the correction of the monotony negative manifestations was revealed. In the third series, which involved 20 people (UHF EMF), we investigated the correction of negative consequences of emergency situation. Each volunteers participated in 3 experiments («background», «placebo» and «impact»).
As operator activity proposed driving simulator for 1.5 hours. In the first two series of experiments speed was set to be permanent, in the third series of experiments with the occurrence of an emergency situation after hour speed was dramatically increased, and steep turns were added, which created the emotional stress. Before and after the experiment there caring out psychophysiological tests, registration of the ECG and the EEG.
The nature of EMF exposure LF-range dependent on the individual characteristics of the subjects, however, all subjects according to the results of psychological testing felt better in the experiment with EMF influence. All patients after LF EMF exposure significantly decreased heart rate. However, there were observed negative manifestations of the impact in subjects with high heart rate. Volunteers with high mobility and brake force of nervous processes, as well as extroverts demonstrated positive trends: the visual-motor reaction was get better; capacity and frequency of alpha-rhythm were increased; power of theta rhythm was decreased.
EMFs EHF exposure did not lead to improvement of work quality or motor reactions. On the contrary, the subjects in the experiment with exposure reported a decline in activity and health. Among the indicators of EEG activity: in subjects with high response speed, quality and good driving there was an increase in the frequency and power of alpha- and beta-rhythms.
Positive changes under EMFs UHF exposure occurred in men and in subjects with high nerve processes power. They improved their health, situational anxiety; EEG activity didn-t change after driving. Extroverts increased power of the alpha rhythm. Negative manifestations were observed in women - they decreased health and increased situational anxiety. Introverts reduced power of the alpha-rhythm and increased the share of slow EEG activity.
Pages: 23-32
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