350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №9 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Applied informatics in educational activities of the medical radioelectronics department in SUAI, and in the scientific research on the secondary processing of bioelectrical signals
A.I. Krasnova - Ph.D., assistant professor of medical electronics department, St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SUAI). E-mail: aikrasnova@mail.ru
The main problems in the informatization of the Russian Federation Public Health are considered in the article. The initiative of the St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation in the preparation of professionals in the information area for the needs of Health is shown. The scientific and technical problems in the field of biomedicine and health care, which solved with involving employees, students and graduates of the medical electronics department, are described. In «Introduction» - describes the main problems in the informatization of the Russian Federation Public Health. It is shown that the primary role in the implementation of the Concept of development of the health system in the Russian Federation is played preparation of specialists in the field of applied informatics for the needs of companies, operating in the health sector. In «Applied Informatics in Health Care» - shows the initiative of the St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation in the opening of this specialty; level of graduates - professional preparation: specialists, bachelors and masters in applied informatics and scientific and technical problems in the field of biomedicine and health care, which solved with involving employees, students and graduates of the medical electronics department in purpose to information provision the operational management and planning of health care resources, and improve the availability and quality of medical care to citizens of the Russian Federation within the framework of the Common information medical space and a single health information environment with subsequent transition to e-health. In «Information problems in the processing of bioelectric signals» - shows the scientific work of employees, students and graduates of the medical electronics department of the St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation in direction «Applied Informatics in Health Care» within the school «Radioelectronic and information tools to evaluate physiological parameters of living systems», which is held together with various electronic, information and medical companies and the centers of Russian Federation. A special focus of this work is given to the study of non-stationary components of bioelectric signals recorded in order to uncover the basic mechanisms of the pathologies of different nature. The basic theoretical and practical achievements of Department in this area are described.
Pages: 92-100

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