350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №9 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Radioelectronic and biotechnical technologies in the educational activities of the medical radioelectronics department in SUAI and in the scientific research on the adaptive primary processing of bioelectric signals
L.A. Kulygina - Ph.D., assistant professor of medical electronics department, St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SUAI). E-mail kulygina.lyudmila@mail.ru
The paper is devoted to educational and scientific technologies of modern biomedical radioelectronics. In «Introduction» - the expediency of the parallel double higher education introduction, uniting radioelectronics and biotechnical systems and technologies, is grounded. In «Biomedical radioelectronics application areas» - the history of scientific researches in the university regarding the medical instrumentation as well as teaching methodology by education plan of future specialists teaching in Saint-Petersburg University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SUAI) have been considered. In «The subject of medical radioelectronics at the medical radioelectronics department of SUAI and at the Research and Education Center «Biomedical electronics and computer science» - the history of scientific developments in medical instrumentation in university as well as the teaching methodology by the education plans of parallel double education have been discussed. In «Scientific researches on the adaptive primary processing of bioelectric signals» - the goal, problems and ways to solve the scientific problem of modern electronic elementary base and information technologies development are listed. It is thus necessary to take into account the wide ranges of the processed cardiosignals amplitude-frequency characteristics variation for the different objects of researches, and the presence of jams of different nature, related both to the vital functions of bio-object and to ambient electromagnetic fields.
Pages: 78-91

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