350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №9 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Application of the amplitude and the frequency modulation method of the blood flow in the research of the vascular functions of the blood flow circulation system
Il.Z. Poyasov - Dr. Sci. Biol., professor of chair of medical radio electronics of SUAI; leading researcher of Federal State Budgetary Institution Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Medicine of SZO Russian Academy of Medical Science. E-mail: ilpoar@yandex.ru
The author examined the effects of the pulsed mode of operation for the blood flow circulation on the resistive, capacitive and exchange functions of its vessels. The installation, which allows to modulate the amplitude and frequency of blood flow or pressure without changing their average value, was set. The results presented the important role of pulse oscillations of the blood flow circulation in the regulation of the organ vascular functions. In «Introduction» shows the actuality and the objectives of the treatise - the study of the role of wave fluctuations of blood flow in the provision of conjugate functions of vessels of the blood flow circulatory system. In «The function of blood vessels blood circulation system with the pulsating flow of blood» contains the description of the choice of research method and the description of the need of application of the method of amplitude-frequency modulation for the study of functions of the organ of vessels. In «Experimental installation for realization of the amplitude-frequency analysis method of vascular functions of the circulatory system» contains the description of the developed methodical approach and its hardware implementation for the analysis of resistive, capacitive and exchange vascular functions. In «The results of the study» provide obtained experimental data of the different nature influence of the amplitude-frequency blood flow characteristics of blood flow in the studied vascular function. In «Discussion of results» analyses the results of the research, which allow to come to a conclusion about the important role of wave characteristics of blood flow in the regulation of vascular function of organ vessels. In «Conclusions» represents the result of work: the wave regulation concept of the organ vessel functions is formulated.
Pages: 49-57

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