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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №9 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Methods of searching the electrocardiosignal-s characteristic points and statistical analysis of its morphology
A.A. Kuznetsov - Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor, Department of General and Applied Physics, Vladimir State University AG and NG Stoletovs. E-mail: artemi-k@mail.ru
N.N. Kiselev - a graduate student, a senior lecturer in medical electronics, St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SUAI) E-mail: kiselev.n@bk.ru
V.G. Gumennyy - student, Department of General and Applied Physics, Vladimir State University. AG and NG Stoletovs
N.N. Kiselev - a graduate student, a senior lecturer in medical electronics, St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SUAI) E-mail: kiselev.n@bk.ru
V.G. Gumennyy - student, Department of General and Applied Physics, Vladimir State University. AG and NG Stoletovs
For the needs of modern medicine the automatic analysis of electrocardiosignals (ECS) gets the increasing value. Some procedures of its realization are connected with the development of the methods demanding the solution of the time binding (synchronization) of cardiocycles task: synchronous accumulation, three-dimensional and time-spectral mapping, assessment of characteristics of a warm rhythm's variability. Exact and reliable allocation of its characteristic points is necessary for the effective solution of the synchronous analysis of ECS' tasks. Characteristic points in this work are the temporary provisions of structural elements of cardiosignal. The purpose of work is the development of algorithms' calculation of characteristic points ECS time provision for what it is necessary to carry out the analysis of existing methods of their search. The group of authors develops algorithms of fixing and estimation of temporary parameters and other type of characteristic points ECS, which are defined as the moments of crossing of the isoline by it. The analysis of morphology of an electrocardiogram is offered to be carried out in four stages. At the first stage it is possible to trace and correlate the dynamics of a heart rhythm with the characteristic morphological macro - changes on the electrocardiogram to identify the changes of a rhythm without electrocardiogram form's change in the time of operating of various physiological mechanisms. At the second stage of search for the set frequencies of the registrar is getting the reference point of a cardiocycle - amplitude value of a R-wave with the detecting of its coordinates and with the formation of digital ranks and schedules of rhythmogram and the R-grams, representing the phase and amplitude which electrocardiograms content. At the third stage to each cardiocycle (to R-R interval) or to a site of several cardiocycles on the electrocardiogram is putting in compliance the settlement size of information entropy. Coordination ofinformation entropy of digital values ranks of each cardiocycle and rhythmogram gives the chance to compare the current rhythm of heart on the rhythmogram, as sequences of R-R of intervals on the electrocardiogram, and the dynamics of entropy of each cardiocycle, represented in shape entropygram. At the fourth stage of search the statistical technology of the morphological analysis on three above-stated stages of search is making out in the form of the morphological analysis' of an electrocardiogram program within which all the subsequent stages and analysis procedures are carried out.
Pages: 26-30
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