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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №9 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
High-resolution electrocardiography. Task. Problem. Prospects
Y.V. Gulyaev - member, Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Director of the Kotel-nikov institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of RAS (Moscow). E-mail: gulyaev@cplire.ru
K.V. Zaichenko - Doctor of Science (Technology), professor, head of the department of medical radioelectronics of St. Petersburg State University of aerospace instrumentation. E-mail: kvz_41@aanet.ru
In the history of the establishment and improvement of electrocardiography clear tendency to increase the information content of the recorded signals. This trend is followed in varying degrees and modern methods of electrocardiography with high resolution. The result of overcoming the drawbacks of these methods and the further development trend of increasing resolution of hardware, software and algorithmic analysis of the fine structure ECG signal has been the emergence of a new method  high-resolution electrocardiography (ECG UHR). This was the result of more than twenty years of the team's leading scientific school «electronic and information tools to evaluate physiological parameters of living systems». The method of ECG UHR, ECG signal provides registration for the entire length of the cardiac cycle on a larger amplitude and frequency ranges in terms of interference. The minimum limit of the amplitude range today is about ten nV, the maximum upper limit of the frequency range of more than 2000 Hz. Such registration parameters are achieved through the use of EX-the-art hardware components of today's electronics, opportunities of digital signal processing, the optimal combination of analog and digital methods and means of processing information signals, as well as developing a number of new circuit design, algorithmic and software solutions. The development of primary processing units with high pacing is still unattainable characteristics allowed to allocate signals containing not previously available to researchers information, which, in turn, required the implementation of new efficient methods for extracting this information for secondary processing of bioelectric signals of different nature. This will also facilitate sharing ECG UHR magnetocardiography and methods are sensitive to extracellular currents inside and heart.In studies on experimental animals with artificially induced kardiopatologiyami and analysis of the results were used standard techniques such secondary processing such as spectral analysis, histogram distributions and wavelet analysis signals obtained during experimental pacemaker records. They unequivocally confirmed the possibility of fixing the method of ECG UHR onset of ischemia at an earlier stage than is possible with existing ECG techniques. Summarizes the specific objectives of the ECG UHR encountered during its implementation, which can be formulated today, and some of which are already reflected in the papers published in this issue, complex, non-trivial scientific problems to be solved in the near future, as well as perspective of the ECG UHR in scientific research and its implementation in healthcare practice.
Pages: 5-15


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