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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №8 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The comparative characteristic of EHF- and EHF-therapy with chronic inflammatory diseases of maxillofacial area
I.L. Vagina, N.M. Khelminskaya, I.S Istomina
Based on a clinical study of 60 patients with pyo-inflammatory diseases of maxillofacial region it is shown that the application of electromagnetic radiation of millimeter and optical ranges (UHF - UHF-therapy) along with the conventional medication and surgical treatment of wounds promotes more rapid regress complaints and reduce the duration of treatment and rehabilitation. The changes in the indicators of regional hemodynamics, received by the method of ultrasonic dopplerography, before - and after the EHF and EHF-therapy. Based on the obtained results the conclusion about the possibility of a differentiated approach to the appointment of EHF-laser therapy depending on the stage of the flow of pyo-inflammatory diseases: 1 hydration stage better application of electromagnetic radiation of extremely high frequencies in connection with the optimization of vascular tone in conditions of reduced blood flow. 2. stages of dehydration in connection with the activation of blood flow better use of concomitant EHF-laser therapy to stimulate the repair and reduction of terms of treatment. When analyzing the dynamics of the main measurable characteristics in the group of patients receiving only EHF-therapy (n=30) and EHF-laser therapy (n=30) were identified opposite changes: The results indicate that the dynamics of the indicators reliably associated with exposure to these procedures, however, a complex effect of UHF and laser therapy more uniquely affect the indicators of the carotid artery, reducing the 3 of them have significantly more patients, while only EHF acts on the carotid artery differently (increasing one and reducing other indicators). Both exposure to a lesser degree of influence on the characteristics of the facial artery.
Pages: 3-10

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