350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Objective control system of parameters and functions of steam sterilizers
S.G. Gurzhin, M.B. Kaplan, V.G. Kryakov, S.V. Nikitin, A.V. Shulyakov
Parameters of sterilization process of steam sterilizers applied in medicine have to be supported with high precision during cycle time. The cycle of sterilization consists of several stages. There is a management of a set of execution units and data collection from a set of sensors. For automatic steam sterilizers made in the Kasimovsky instrument plant developed the unified control board which is an intellectual kernel of a steam sterilizer, contains channels of registration of sensor signals and management of execution units. On the basis of Kasimovsky instrument plant the system providing an exact task and control of parameters and functions of a steam sterilizer, and also testing of all its components of elements was developed. The system is used at a stage of programming, functional and parametric control of the control board of a steam sterilizer, and then at a stage of testing of work of separate elements of a sterilizer and research of running cycles of sterilization. The tested control board is checked at the test bench which is connected to the personal computer. The test bench is intended for generation of test signals and the registration of signals of management formed by the control board. The test bench imitates operation of compound modules of a sterilizer from the point of view of their interaction with the control board. The program part of system is presented by a uniform program cover which is used at all stages of diagnostics. The program is created in the environment of LabVIEW and represents the difficult virtual instrument which consists of a set of virtual subinstruments. The system provides data input about performers, programming of the microcontroller of the control board, assignment of unique identification number to the control board, realization of algorithms of diagnostics in automatic and manual modes, formation of the report on the carried-out tests containing result of diagnostics and the conclusion about the validity of the product.
Pages: 49-54

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