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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Noninvasive registration of density distribution magnetic flux in biological objects
A.A. Zhilnikov, T.A. Zhilnikov, V.I. Zhulev
Today more important is the problem of nondestructive study of human in order to detect with subsequent visualization of the inside of possible hidden magnetic foreign inclusions (MFI) in his body. This MFI in human body are foreign to body objects with strong magnetic properties, infiltrated in his tissues, organs or cavities through damaged covers and through natural openings. In addition, such inclusions can be introduced with the medical purpose in body of joint prostheses, spokes fastening bones, hinges, plates, etc. The identification of such inclusions is sometimes very complicated process, because at the moment solution to this problem is for the most part noninvasive methods of introscopy, which demand very careful application, which sometimes leads to a very limited their use, such as, in case of inspection of the head of biological object (patient). In this article an original method of nondestructive differential of three-dimensional vector of magnetoscope, which can to detect and visualize of hidden MFI by means of registration of reach of mechanical penetration of instant state volume status of magnetic flux density distribution is proposed. In addition, automated system, allowing to implement this method is proposed, and basic principles of mathematical processing of projection data are given. The peculiarity of research in proposed automated system is that it can be done without contact primary measuring and biological object. Their interaction happens at distance, sufficient for free turn-rotational motion of exciting and measuring coils concerning patient with no adverse effects on biological object (no radiation exposure). In conclusion, a synthesis of the results and discusses the main advantages of the method.
Pages: 26-31

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