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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №6 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The method investigation of human-s own emanation within millimeter-long range of electromagnetic waves
N.V. Lebedeva
The academician of Academy of Sciences of USSR Mr. Deviatkov suggested using millimetre-long range of electromagnetic frequencies in medicine forty years ago. Method of radiometry was created by corresponding member of Academy of Sciences of USSR Mr. Troitskiy. His follower Mr. Rassadovskiy made radiometer, which registers human-s own emanation within millimeter-long range (8 mm; 37,5 GHz).
Over a long period of time author of this article examined patients with appointed diagnoses, she used radiometer of Mr. Rassadovskiy and her author's algorithm of processing of apparatus-s signal. As a result she understood, that researcher must examine 8 biological active zones (BAZ) for identification of departure from the norm in millimetre diapason. This research was named as method of merit rating of human-s biological state in norm and pathology. It takes 30 minutes to examine 8 BAZ. The results of measuring of each BAZ can be registered on screen of computer in a graphic form. If regression of exponential type with growth of frequency of distribution of frequencies of apparatus-s signal is registered, that it is norm, if it is not registered, that it is pathology. If oscillatory movements of changes of intensity of apparatus-s signal during research are sharp, that that it is pathology, if oscillatory movements are weak, that it is norm. If researcher finds one of signs, which were described here, that BAZ has pathology. Analysis of this information and comparison characteristics of apparatus-s signal of healthy and sick people make it possible to formulate necessary inferences:
1. This signs cannot show specific pathology.
2. This signs has not contact with concrete organ.
3. This signs show norm or pathology in millimetre-long range of electromagnetic frequencies.
4. Settled departure from the norm in millimetre-long range of electromagnetic frequencies will provoke without fail pathological process in organism, which will become apparent as different diseases.
The pathological departure from the norm in millimetre-long range of electromagnetic frequencies have serious danger for human-s health.
Using algorithm by Mrs. Lebedeva and EHF therapy make it possible to improve effectiveness of treatment and prophylaxis of different diseases.
It is important, that Mrs. Lebedeva show the new signs of diagnosing of different diseases and departures before clinical manifestation. It is possible by creation and using extremely sensitive radiometer.
Pages: 13-21
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