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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №6 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Parametrical definition of a heart rhythm variability norms estimations of the person at pre-nozological condition
A.A. Kuznetsov
By search of approaches and methods to definition of parametrical estimations heart rate variability (HRV) norms by experimental base ECG records of young people were, recognizing that required quantity indicators of physiological norms of variability of a heart rhythm it is essentially possible to receive only on experimental data of ECG registration of young healthy people. Application of a HRV estimation method has not given expected results, functional interpretation of HRV method on the synthesized digital lines of values of three key HRV parameters therefore was offered. HRV functions, average values of parameters and their confidential intervals are received. The logic of such interpretation was prolonged, that has resulted in creation of the incorporated parametrical diagram of distributions. It is determined the system general distribution and the forms of the general functional dependences with reliability not less than 0, 94. The received results are compared with known given to the theory of regulation and management of a heart rhythm. It is shown, that the balancing condition of the vegetative regulation mechanism of a heart rhythm in norm is obliged to be dynamic and to have property of convertibility. The concept of «absolute rest» as conditions with maximal parasympathetic influence and the minimal sympathetic influence on a heart rhythm and submit a technique of creation virtual rhythmgrams, appropriate to this condition is entered. Application to them has allowed to present functional interpretation of HRV method this condition graphically and to give to them an attribute of the functional standard of distributions border norm on the incorporated diagram. It is revealed, that HRV parameters norms settlement values are not sufficient at the rhythmgrams comparative analysis. Ambiguity in definition of values of key HRV parameters norms it is corrected by correction of concept of HRV norm to concept of a HRV norm mode. For young people concepts of a HRV norm mode, a balancing condition of the vegetative regulation mechanism of a heart rhythm in norm and a normal functional condition of the person are identified. Within the framework of the two-planimetric model theory of a heart rhythm regulation the analysis of a balancing condition of the vegetative regulation mechanism of a heart rhythm in norm is carried out.
Pages: 3-12

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