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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №4 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
System for research and assess the electrical impedance of biological tissues
electrical impedance
biological tissue
the frequency dependence
phase shift
V.V. Epifantsyev, V.A. Ustyuzhanin, A.A. Ishkov
Today the methods electric impedance diagnostics biological tissues cause interest under assessing their status in health and disease. These diagnostic methods have a number of advantages, namely, express, non-invasive,
information, and no negative impact on the studied biological objects. The software and hardware complex, which will be discussed in the article, developed in the Trans-Baikal State University, it intended for research the electrical impedance of biological tissues in a wide frequency range, allows to obtain information about the distribution of electrical conductivity in biological tissues by measuring the instantaneous and average values of the electrical impedance in the field overlay of electrodes. And also investigate the frequency dependence of the electrical impedance of the biological object.
Introduced complex not only allows commit a large number of measurements with the least expenditure of time, but also carry out further processing and storage of the data.
On the basis of the experiments and the data planned making of various specialized diagnostics systems for use in medical practice.
Pages: 62-65
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