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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №4 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Mathematical modeling of carbon monoxide content in the hermetically sealed volume during sleep of the crew
A.V. Demin, A.I. Ivanov, A.V. Maliy, Y.A. Shulagin
This work is aimed to find mathematical models that adequately describe changes in the content of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere of a sleeping cell EU-150 of hermetically sealed object Ground-based experimental complex (National Research Centre - Institute of Biomedical Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences), designed to prepare astronauts for long-term space flight. Tests have been performed during sleep of five astronauts and simultaneous wakefulness of one astronaut at the «Mars-105» experiment. A mathematical model has been found. It has been proved that during sleep the content of carbon monoxide in the cell of hermetically sealed object decreased and became asymptotically stable. It has been proved that the content of carbon monoxide in the steady state was corresponded to the accepted norms. It has been proved that the law of carbon monoxide in the cell of hermetically sealed object belonged to a group of well-known laws described by a linear homogeneous second order differential equation.
Pages: 36-40
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