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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №4 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Some aspects of studying of electromagnetic radiation-s influence in microwave branch on human hearing
D.I. Stepanenko, I.A. Molodtsova, A.G. Shein
The influence of electromagnetic radiation of mobile phones on human hearing was examined. Researches in Russia proved negative effects of electromagnetic radiation of radio frequency range on the psychophysical condition of the person. The observation group consisted of 20 students (21-23 years old), who had full-time training in higher educational institutions in Volgograd, without chronic diseases of the ear and mastoid bone, and used a mobile phone as a primary communication. Audiological examinations were performed and the individual characteristics of each person and the average characteristics of the group were calculated. Analysis of the results can\'t yet show the influence of mobile phones on human hearing, but confirms that the required pressure level for normal perception of sound increases during a year in the frequency range 125-750 Hz and 5500-8000 Hz. So it is necessary to continue studying of influence of mobile phones on the human hearing and develop models to determine the presence or absence of microwave radiation on the processes of converting audio signals into signals of nerve cells.
Pages: 3-8
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