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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №2 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The use of lithographic technologies in biomedical research at the cellular and molecular levels
V.A. Vasin, E.N. Ivashov, P.S. Kostomarov
Nanotechnology allows scientists, engineers and physicians to move to large-scale research in the field of biology and public health at the cellular level and the molecular level. These studies will lead to new biotechnological production processes, as well as to the fundamental changes in the methods of medicine. [1] The use of the device forming the topological structure of a microchip on the substrate allows for the possibility to create a thumbnail template (using methods to increase the resolution of the projection lithography is proposed to obtain the elements of design rules with no more than 32 nm), the wavelength of ultraviolet radiation λ 193 nm . An example is the lead device "supply" of the body of drugs at the right time (Fig. 2). The device is a self-contained, miniature (solid-state silicon chip), implantable mechanism able to allocate according to a program contained in it is a substance (or substances). Clearly, such a mechanism may serve other functions (diagnostics, chemical analysis, etc.). [1] In the past few years, scientists have developed a technology rapid mapping of genetic information in DNA and RNA molecules, including the identification of mutations and expression levels. This technology uses a matrix of DNA microarrays, which is similar to the lithographic patterning technology for the industrial production of integrated circuits [1]. Currently, these types of technologies become commercial importance and are used in biotechnology research and production processes. Development of new types of chemical matrices will expand the capabilities of these technologies and apply them in biological information processing apparatus or for analysis of proteins and other biomolecules. Miniaturization of devices based on related analytical processes, including electrophoresis, the reach of such technology and reduce the cost of many important analytical techniques, such as DNA sequencing or a fingerprint.
Pages: 59-62
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