350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №2 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Estimation of the noise-source electromagnetic radiation effect on healthy human electroencephalograms with the protection of computing machinery
A.V. Sidorenko
The estimation of electromagnetic oscillator noise radiation on human electroencephalograms is conducted. The methodology of investigation based on presentation the bioelectric signals, reflected the activity of the brain as deterministic chaos are used in our reports [5, 6], which were the electroencephalographic signals investigated. The quality parameters for electroencephalograms are estimated by constructed their phase portraits, which are visually to estimate the influence of electromagnetic oscillator noise radiation. The estimation based on quantitative parameters as correlation dimension and Kolmogorov entropy of dynamical system are executed by processing of bioelectric activity time realizations. The results of analysis these electroencephalograms by spectral correlation method, including the spectral density power, spectral power density of alpha-, beta-, teta-, delta-rhythms are presented. The experimental results are allowed the regularities. The structural peculiarities of electroencephalograms are revealed and determined their qualitative parameters of healthy human influenced by electromagnetic noise oscillator radiation. The quantitative parameters are developed as parameters of delayed coordinate: correlation dimension and Kolmogorov entropy. Comparative analysis with the results of action mobile communication radiation on function of central nervous system is determined, that visual electroencephalogram variations influenced by noise oscillator radiation are lesser in four time. The Kolmogorov entropy variations are the opposite direction relatively to background.
Pages: 43-48
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