350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №2 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Estimation of a human organism fitness by spectral analysis of pulse signals
V.V. Boronoyev, A.E. Pavlov, V.D. Ompoko
The functional state of a human organism and its capability to adapt to the changing environmental conditions depend on the fitness of the organism. In the fitness evaluation, the investigation of pulse waves is of greatest interest because, in a human organism, the pulse is an integral process that reflects the state of a number of organs and functional systems. Comparative analysis of pulse signals of well trained sportsmen and of people who do not go in for sports has been carried out. For the investigation of the spectral components, the wavelet analysis method was used; this method has been recently much used for the study of nonstationary signals. The spectral components of the pulse signals of the sportsmen and of the people who do not go in for sports differ from each other considerably. The difference is the following: in the first case, the pulse signal spectrum of the sportsmen had widening of the spectral components and their great variability. On the wavelet spectrogram, the changes of the frequency content of pulse waves occur, especially in the frequency range from 0,15 Hz to 0,7 Hz. Frequency numerical calculations for the study of the main characteristics of the spectral analysis have been carried out. The processing and the analysis of the ample experimental material make it possible to conclude that, for the evaluation of the fitness of a human organism, the width of the fundamental harmonics of the spectrum and the correlation of the spectrum powers in the range from (0,6-8) Hz to (8-30) Hz are the most informative features.
Pages: 13-16
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