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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №2 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Medical ozon technologies: new problems, possibilities, equipment
V.I. Panteleev, V.V. Rozanov, I.V. Matveychuk, M.V. Lekishvili, N.N. Sysoev, S.A. Shuteev, S.V. Al-kov, T.M. Andreeva
The application of methods based on the use of ozone, should help to overcome these difficulties and to ensure the implementation of effective and safe sterilization implants. The solution of this problem should allow to carry out the development and introduction in practice of work of tissue banks fully completed modern technological chain of manufacture of bone grafts, based on the use of progressive highly efficient, innovative technologies at all stages - from the workpiece and mechanical and chemical treatment of bone fragments before the sterilization of ready-implants. High effectiveness of application of ozone for the purpose of sterilization may find application in practice of work of tissue banks. One of the main tasks of modern биоимплантологии is to ensure a high level of safety of biological plastic materials. The most общеупотребимыми today are the following sterilization technology implants: steam sterilization (autoclaving), sterilization with the use of special solutions, gas sterilization (ethylene oxide), as well as radiation (flux of gamma-quantum or fast electrons). Method of sterilization oxide ethylene are widely used in the work of tissue banks and, in the opinion of some authors to be effective and less damaging tissue in comparison with the radiation methods and автоклавированием. Other researchers believe the most effective radiation sterilization to ensure the necessary sterility processed fragments and save it for a long period (up to 5 years). However, this method does not exclude a number of unwanted side effects, the most important of which should be considered a reduction in the effectiveness of osteogenesis with increasing radiation dose. Ozone therapy is not pharmacological method of treatment, is characterized by the absence of harmful side effects, complies with the safety requirements, has a high clinical efficiency. This allows to consider it as one of the most effective methods of treatment. The first Russian synthesizer of ozone medical purposes have been developed and manufactured in 1973, in the Kirov Polytechnical Institute (now Vyatka state University) at the request of the Nizhny Novgorod research Institute of traumatology and orthopedics (biotechnology). Previously developed ВятГУ medical synthesizers ozone Ozone-M-5», «Ozone-M-5-2», «Ozone-M-50», «A-to-ГОКС-5-01-OZONE» and «A-to-ГОКС-5-02-OZON» brought to mass production. Devices are recommended by the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation for serial production at JSC «electric machine building works «Lepse» (d. Kirov). Apparatus of the «Ozone-M-50» is certified by Gosstandart of Russia as a means of measurement. The synthesizer of ozone model A-to-ГОКСф-5-05-OZONE on the results of the tests on compliance with standards of the European Union certification center «SERTIKA» in April of 2010, issued by the European certificate.
High effectiveness of application of ozone for the purpose of sterilization may find application in practice of work of tissue banks. One of the main tasks of modern биоимплантологии is to ensure a high level of safety of biological plastic materials. The most общеупотребимыми today are the following sterilization technology implants: steam sterilization (autoclaving), sterilization with the use of special solutions, gas sterilization (ethylene oxide), as well as radiation (flux of gamma-quantum or fast electrons). Method of sterilization oxide ethylene are widely used in the work of tissue banks and, in the opinion of some authors to be effective and less damaging tissue in comparison with the radiation methods and автоклавированием. Other researchers believe the most effective radiation sterilization to ensure the necessary sterility processed fragments and save it for a long period (up to 5 years). However, this method does not exclude a number of unwanted side effects, the most important of which should be considered a reduction in the effectiveness of osteogenesis with increasing radiation dose. The application of methods based on the use of ozone, should help to overcome these difficulties and to ensure the implementation of effective and safe sterilization implants. The solution of this problem should allow to carry out the development and introduction in practice of work of tissue banks fully completed modern technological chain of manufacture of bone grafts, based on the use of progressive highly efficient, innovative technologies at all stages - from the workpiece and mechanical and chemical treatment of bone fragments before the sterilization of ready-implants.
Pages: 3-11
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