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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №12 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The 20...200 MHz electromagnetic field simulation in biomedical investigations
S.Yu. Perov - Ph.D.(Biol.), Leading Researcher Scientist, Federal State Budgetary Organization «RAMS Research Institute of Occupational health» (Moscow). E-mail: perov1980@mail.ru
E.V. Bogacheva - Junior Researcher Scientist, Federal State Budgetary Organization «RAMS Research Institute of Occupational health». E-mail: elenav567@gmail.com
O.V. Belaya - Junior Researcher Scientist, Federal State Budgetary Organization «RAMS Research Institute of Occupational health». E-mail: ogabelaya@gmail.com
The frequent and uncontrolled use of radio frequency wireless communication devices, both for occupational and common applications can health risks for human. Therefore, the biological effects radiofrequency electromagnetic field evaluation as harmful factor is important hygienic point. Transverse Electromagnetic Mode (TEM) cell is one of the exposure system types that widely used in electromagnetic field biological effect investigations. The advantages of the suggested system were homogeneous and controlled exposure level in work area. In biological experiments TEM cell produces necessary exposure conditions and dosimetry study to determine the energy absorbed by the exposure objects, placed inside the TEM cell. In this work we performed TEM cell numerical simulations at 170 MHz. Computational modeling of the TEM cell was performed using FTDT method. The simulation results showed well matching TEM cell to the source of EMF with 50 Ohm. The electric field distributions at selected levels and sections were considered. There were exposure conditions assessments in the TEM cell work area. The TEM cell numerical model results showed adequate field distribution at 170 MHz. Thus designed TEM cell is a suitable system for the theoretical radio frequency electromagnetic field dosimetry.
Pages: 61-65

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