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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №12 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Fractal relations components of a living organism as the basis of its system integrity Part 2. Analysis of fractal characteristics in the steroidogenesis in the period of isolation healthy men germoobekte)
A.M. Nosovskiy - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Leading Research Scientist, Federal State Institution of Science - National Research Center of the Russian Institute of Biomedical Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow). E-mail: nam@imbp.ru
I.M. Larina - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Head of Laboratory Proteomics, Federal State Institution of Science - National Research Center of the Russian Institute of Biomedical Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail: irina.larina@gmail.com
Relationship between the fractal relationship and the integrity of the system - not an accident. The source of these is for the self-similarity, which is apparently a property of the mechanism of formation of hierarchies. With respect to living organisms may be noted that fractal relationships are inherent in the development and formation of the body. Biological systems can operate over a wide range of disturbing factors, adapting to it, maintaining its homeostasis. It seems that the presence of fractal relationship is essential element for the normal functioning of the various functional systems. For system evaluation of steroidogenesis in the human body are studying the so-called steroid profile of urine. The term "profile " was introduced in 1971 in the work of Horning , where it was used to refer to the multi-component analysis of the metabolically related compounds. Longitudinal profile, in turn , includes a plurality of steroids representing different classes of hormones ( androgens , estrogens , progestins ), and their metabolites. In clinical study steroid profile, usually aimed at establishing the quantitative ratios different steroid content in the sample and facilitates the detection of diseases of various nature. However, since the longitudinal profile, typically consists of 35-40 parameters and their semantic relationships, and their comprehensive analysis is not a simple task. Under physiological conditions, ie in the absence of severe pathology , as getting data on the state of the steroid -producing systems, and their analysis - even more problematic. Continuing and expanding the application of fractal geometry , in order to detect and study new patterns of adaptation in the steroidogenesis was undertaken analysis of data obtained in experiments with prolonged isolation in germoobekte six healthy male volunteers.
Pages: 53-60

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