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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №12 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Nonlinear dynamics parameters of electroencephalograms influenced by mobile phone radiation and radiowaves-absorbing polyurethane composites
A.V. Sidorenko - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Physics and Aerocosmic technologies, Belarusian State University (Minsk). E-mail: sidorenkoa@yandex.ru
M.V. Zhalkovsky - Post-graduate Student, Belarusian State University
Z.A. Makarova - Student, Belarusian State University
N.A. Soloduho - Magistrant, Belarusian State University
The electroencephalograms of healthy people have been investigated and analyzed by the nonlinear dynamics methods based on dynamic chaos to obtain the characteristic changes in states of the central nervous system due to the effects exerted by radiation of mobile phones and by the use of radiowaves-absorbing screens of polymeric materials with the addition of nanotubes. In the process of work we have used the radiowaves-absorbing materials based on АДВ-22 polyurethane compound with the addition of taunite (0.058 wt. %  for screen 1 and 0.4 wt. %  for screen 2). From the experimental studies it has been found that the quantitative parameters of encephalograms in the form of the correlation dimension d and Kolmogorov entropy E are varying as a function of the taunite percentage in the screens of polyurethane composites. Spectral and correlation analysis of the electroencephalograms in different leads for the spectral power density levels of alpha-, beta-, tetha-rhythms has revealed the correlations with spreading of the reactions due to the increased excitation of neural structures in the brain caused by electromagnetic radiation of mobile phones. By the use of the screens made of radiowaves-absorbing materials the electromagnetic radiation effect of mobile phones may be compensated to a certain extent due to lowering of the excitation and interaction between cerebral hemispheres.
Pages: 44-51

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