350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №12 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The temperature field in the tissue during dissection bipolar electrosurgical scissors with cutting blades on the basis of zirconium dioxide
S.V. Belov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Deputy Head of Laboratory, Ltd. «New energy technologies» (Moscow). E-mail: ser79841825@yandex.ru
M.A. Borik - Ph.D.(Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, GPI them. Prokhorov. E-mail: borik@lst.gpi.ru
J.K. Danileyko - Dr. Sc.(Phys.-Math.), Professor, «New Energy Technology», Laboratory Manager
S.M. Nefedov - Senior Research Scientist, GPI them. Prokhorov. E-mail: nefedov@kapella.gpi.ru
V.V. Osiko - Academician, Professor, Head of Research Center of Laser Materials and Technology GPI them. Prokhorov. E-mail: osiko@lst.gpi.ru
A.V. Salyuk - Dr.Sc.(Eng.), «New energy technologies», the deputy, Head of the laboratory. E-mail: sva1945@rambler.ru
This article analyzes the temperature field in the biological tissue in the area of the surgical incision performed with bipolar electrosurgical scissors with cutting blades on the basis of zirconium dioxide. The bipolar electrosurgical scissors used for dissection of soft tissue coagulation function intersected by small and medium sized blood vessels, and for bipolar coagulation and dissection of individual sections of the fabric. However, the models produced bipolar scissors have low wear resistance and the lack of effect of advanced hemostasis during dissection of tissues. Composite structure of the bipolar electrosurgical cutting shears eliminates these drawbacks. Investigation of the temperature field in the biological tissue in cutting the composite structure on the basis of the held linear mathematical model of the selected electrosurgical dissection. Analysis of temperature field in the coordinates X, Y and Z for electrosurgical dissection allows you to optimize the design parameters of bipolar scissors. The results of theoretical analysis of temperature field during dissection of tissue were used for the selection of technical solutions in the design of the optimal design of the bipolar electrosurgical scissors with cutting blades on the basis of zirconium dioxide.
Pages: 21-27


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