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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №12 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
«ColpManager V1.0» software to the laser gynecological complex «Velmi»
V.A. Dmitrichenko - Junior Researcher, TechnoMicron LTD (Moscow). E-mail: dmitrichenko@aetechnologies.ru
T.S. Kumskova - Junior Researcher, TechnoMicron LTD (Moscow). E-mail: kumskova@aetechnologies.ru
In the recent years in Russia, as in many countries worldwide, there has increased the number of female patients seeking for medical gynecological treatment of genital human papillomavirus infection. The main alarming factor is the ability of some types of human papillomavirus (HPV) to initiate malignant processes. For successful treatment of this type of disease there was developed thermo-laser therapeutic Complex «Velmi». The article provides the description and functional capabilities of «ColpManager v1.0» software, developed for the Complex «Velmi». The most attention is paid to the description of the interface of software shell and to the capabilities, granted to the doctor by the software modules: module of general information; module of gynecological history; module of retrieval and retention of photographic and video images; module for computing the Reid index; module of test results interpretation; module of protocol compilation; module of colposcopy results assessment. The software allows to significantly facilitate the work of the medical staff on completion of survey protocols through the use of templates, its adjustability and possibility for making revisions. Developed software «ColpManager v1.0» to the laser gynecological Complex «VELMI» with the package of application programs for IBM personal computer, provides documentation and information support to the preparation, execution of surgeries and post-surgery monitoring, using contrasting thermo-laser impact on pathologically changed tissue.
Pages: 15-20

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