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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №12 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The influence of low-intensity electromagnetic fields on of endogenous origin endothelial vasomotor function in patients with chronic heart failure
O.L. Bockeria - Dr.Sc.(Med.), Professor, Leading Research Scientist, Bakoulev Center for CVS, Moscow, Russia
N. T. Salia - Ph.D.(Med.), Senior Research Scientist, Bakoulev Center for CVS, Moscow, Russia
A. M. Kuular - Post-graduate Student, Department of cardiovascular surgery and interventional cardiology, FPDO MSMSU, Moscow, Russia
L.A. Glushko - Ph.D.(Med.), Junior Research Scientist, Bakoulev Center for CVS, Moscow, Russia
A.B. Mishchenko - Junior Research Scientist, Bakoulev Center for CVS, Moscow, Russia
This work is devoted to assessing the impact of low-frequency electromagnetic fields on endothelial function in patients with chronic heart failure (NYHA functional class II). The study found that in this group of patients with impaired endothelial vasomotor function due to the reduction of vasodilating substances (nitric oxide production) endothelial cells. The impact of low-frequency electromagnetic fields of endogenous origin (endogenous bioresonance therapy) showed improvement of microcirculation parameters. Decreasing of neurogenic tones parameters up to normal value show us the potency of regulatory effect of this treatment.
Pages: 9-14

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