350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №12 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
A new approach to medical institutions computerization and the development of regional health information systems
A.R. Dabagov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Joint-stock company «Medical technologies LTD» (Moscow)
The article deals with aspects of the new approach to the construction of medical information systems and the possibility of their integration - from integrated HIS to regional. Fundamentally new possibilities of application of new information technologies cover converged infrastructure, virtualization, cloud patterns. Theirs application improves the reliability of systems in all respects, increases the speed of deployment, facilitates adherence to the principles of «openness», etc. Information technology is not a core activity of medical institutions, they require a considerable expences for deployment, operation, maintenance and development, and spawns additional risks for the company. Very convenient therefore transfer the basic information functionality to the based on new technologies data center(s) with the corresponding systems of data storage. When it covered only actually rendered services. In the paper we briefly describes the implementation of a program of our own R&D. At the first stage, the radiology information system was realized. Later, additional blocks of information processing and analysis was integrated, which led to creation of integrated system "IntegRIS-MT". Then telecommunications module "Telemed-MT" was added into. Modular building a system provides a number of benefits, and also facilitates the adoption of new technologies in the future (virtualization services, platforms, infrastructure). Further, on the basis of experience gained, a project of the integrated radiology information system in the Krasnodar region was fulfilled, which had demonstrated high efficiency. The next step on the stage of the pilot project is developed the translation of the established and proven MIS on cloud patterns. The developing solution provide a service "on demand" in accordance with the definitions of the National Institute of standards (NIST). This solution significantly increases the opportunities in the field of life cycle and reconfiguration of the system, portability, and scalability, and provides a number of other advantages.In conclusion, it is noted that the application of cloud SOA architectures opens wide possibilities for solutions of problems of medical Informatics and medical information systems integration.
Pages: 3-7

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