350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №11 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Designing of the mobile equipment for estimation of adaptation of human organism to changing environment conditions
M. S. Krivolapov - The Head of Development Department, Technical Systems and Technologies, LTD (Saint Petersburg). E-mail: givago@mail.ru
A.Z. Yafarov - Post-Graduate Student, Department of Biotechnical Systems, Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University «LETI» n. a. V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin). E-mail: alexeltech@gmail.com
The article considers the problems of dependence of productivity and risk of human diseases caused by changes in weather and climate. To solve these problems, suggestions made to use of methods and means of prevention of critical conditions of the human body that implement continuous monitoring of the current state of human and regular assessment of the psycho-physiological and physical overload. To create such methods and techniques had been developed an experimental hardware and software platform - the mobile device designed to study the human modes of adaptation to changing environmental conditions. The main signal processing has been selected: the signal of an electrocardiogram (ECG) and the respiratory activity signal. At the same time developed hardware and software platform is open, suggesting the possibility of increasing the number and types of controlled parameters of the human body and environmental factors. A technique was developed experimental verification of software and hardware platform for specification of the original specifications for the hardware of the developed device and verify the stability of the data processing algorithms in real conditions of use. It is planned to study the behavior of the system under conditions as close as possible to the actual conditions of use, as well as expanding the number of controlled physiological parameters (blood pressure, skin impedance, body temperature).
Pages: 48-51

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