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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №9 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Temporal characteristics of speech in epilepsy
M.V. Frolov, I.V. Korinevskaya, G.B. Milovanova, L.A. Potulova
The importance of the exclusion of epilepsy determines the interest of researches to specific distinctions of formation of epileptic seizures from nonepileptic fits. Despite of different mechanisms of formation paroxysmal states of different nature have similar clinical features , which makes the differential diagnostics between paroxysmal disorders of the epileptic and nonepileptic origin difficult. This fact served the motive of our study of the temporal characteristics of speech in patients with epileptic seizures. The recorded changes in speech characteristics testify to an «ideatory» way of formation and actualization of а pronounced sentence in epileptic patients. After evaluating psychological profile of patients with epilepsy by non-verbal features of the speech (in particular, the rate of speech, intonation) we can talk about slow monotonous speech without emotional expression, the presence of long pauses which reflects speech melody. All these features suggest the minimization of verbal communication, of self-restraint, unsociable patients with epilepsy and as a consequence, the complexity of interpersonal relationships. The psychological portrait of a man by the manner of his speech, though is probabilistic in nature, nevertheless is of great importance in the formation of interpersonal relations, the field of communications the possibilities of correcting features of verbal communication, which undoubtedly is an additional factor in the differential diagnosis of seizure type of different genesis.
Pages: 42-47
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