350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №9 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
The method of improving of energy characteristics of transmitting multifrequency signals with clipping
energy characteristics
limiting of level
cross distortion
multichannel demodulation
O.R. Nikitin, P.A. Polushin, D.V. Lemmle, Al Saidi Salem
Multifrequency signals are often used in multichannel transmission systems in the biomedical osobensti telemedicine networks. Multifrequency signals have by big peak-factor that decreases energy characteristics of transmitters. The peak-factor can be reduced by the limiting of the level of group signal during its transmitting, but it will considerably increase cross distortions. In digital signals these distortions can be eliminated. In this case levels of distortion in every channel are beforehand known for all variants of sets of simultaneously transmitted symbols. Demodulation is fulfilled not for signals of every channel separately, but in common for all symbols taking into account corrections for appeared cross distortions.
Pages: 36-41
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