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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №8 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
New devices in ophthalmology in the diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
I.V. Vorobyova, S.A. Kochergin, E.A. Neshkova, D.N. Gigineishvili
The main risk of diabetes - it-s specific complications. Diabetes mellitus belongs to polysystem diseases and leads to disruption of almost all organs and systems, and in the first place, the vision. Ophthalmic symptoms related to microvascular complications of diabetes. Ophthalmic symptoms of diabetes are microvascular complications of this disease. Diabetic retinopathy (DR)- highly specific vascular lesions of the retina, it is equally characteristic of both insulin and for insulin dependent diabetes. Subclinical stage is a reversible stage of DR, so early diagnosis is important for the timely initiation of treatment. In recent decades, a significant increase in diagnostic capabilities in ophthalmology, which is associated with the appearance of new high-tech method of investigation of optical coherence tomography (OCT). The resolving power OCT is 10 times the permission other diagnostic methods, and involves the examination of the object at the level of microscopic tissue architecture. OCT provides an opportunity to see the layers of the retina in the form of 3D-image (the video format AVI) using OCT, we can clearly follow the dynamics of the process in the mode of progression, where the scanner automatically displays the map in the eyes of the first and next visits. According to the OCT can identify which retinal layers are more involved in the pathological process. Information about tissue received by using of OCT is the lifetime that is reflects not only the structure but also the characteristics of the functional state of tissues. OCT is non-invasive method. The method of OCT eliminates the injury and doesn-t have the limitations of conventional biopsy is well tolerated. It is also possible to observe the relative change in the dynamics of retinal layers on the background of laser photocoagulation and conservative therapy, evaluating the effectiveness of treatment. OCT provides speed and accuracy of research without the patient's central fixation eyes, comfort for the physician and patient.
Pages: 67-72
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