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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №8 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Correction of the immobilization stress rats by the focused rotating spatially distributed field of current pulses
V.S. Kublanov, S.V. Porshnev, I.G. Danilova, I.F. Goette, A.O. Levashkina, A.M. Syskov
In work results of researches of behavioural functions of laboratory rats on model immobilization stress are resulted at sharp action of damaging factors. Researches were spent on range of type "the open field" equipped with system of technical sight. Results of studying of consequences of influence by the focused rotating spatially distributed field of impulses of current (electrostimulation) in a projection cervical ganglions of sympathetic nervous system at three groups of laboratory rats are resulted: intact, group with immobilization stress and group with immobilization stress after one procedure of influence by the field of impulses of current. Influence by the field of impulses of current was spent within 5 minutes at first to projections left cervical ganglion, then the 5-minute break and further influence within 5 minutes in a projection right cervical ganglion followed. For the automated processing of video images the algorithm of construction of trajectory of the rat which description is resulted in article is offered. As an indicator of impellent activity of an animal in each experiment the length of a trajectory of its movement, total time of a finding an element and speed of moving are chosen. It is shown that in quality of integrative characteristic of behavioural functions of laboratory rats it is expedient to use fractal dimension of a trajectory of movement of animals for which calculation the geometrical method is chosen. Damaging action of immobilization stress on tissue and cells estimated with activity of enzymes in blood and maintenance of molecules of average and low molecular weight in blood and erythrocytes. As indicators of stressful influence served level of glucose and cortisole in blood. The analysis of changes of some biochemical indicators of animals has shown: Change of the maintenance of glucose in blood (nonspecific indicator increasing at influence of any stressful factor), corresponded to change of impellent activity of rats: after stress the glucose maintenance in blood authentically increased in 1,5 times concerning this indicator at intact animals, and after influence by the field of electric impulses was normalized. After immobilization stress activity of enzymes LDG, AST, ALT has increased in blood of animals concerning these indicators at intact rats that testifies to increase of permeability of membranes of cells as a result of damaging and is natural in a stressful situation. The increase in parity AST/ALT allows to assume more considerable myocardium damage in comparison with other tissues. A condition of animals after immobilization on the basis of impellent activity, level of AST and cortisole which maintenance decreases at stress almost in 2 times, it is possible to estimate as an exhaustion or desadaptation. Influence by field of electric impulses didn't cause normalization of activity of enzymes of a myocardium that, possibly, is connected with longer restoration of structure of membranes of cells, unlike glucose level. It was not observed at the same time and the further increase in activity of cellular enzymes at animals after stress and action by a field of current. The authentic increase in quantity of molecules of average weight is revealed at 254 nanometers in blood and at 254 nanometers and 280 nanometers in erythrocytes after immobilization stress concerning these indicators at intact animals. After influence by the field of current maintenance molecules of average weight (MAW) in blood and erythrocytes decreased to level of intact animals. In structure MAW the set of regulatory factors, products of degradation of cells and other substances causing endogenic intoxication of organism and formed at stress contains. Therefore influence by the field of electric impulses reduces endogenic intoxication, and, probably, infringement of functions of membranes of erythrocites and other cells. Results of researches testify to perspectivity of application of the focused rotating spatially distributed field of impulses of current in problems of restoration of adaptable reserves of biological objects. The above results of researches testify to perspectivity of application of the focused rotating spatially distributed field of impulses of current in problems of restoration of adaptable reserves of biological objects.
Pages: 56-67
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