350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №8 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Features of electro-chemical vortex propagation of spikes in axonal system of neurons
A.V. Savelyev
The article presents original results of neural simulation of axon spikes volume propagation in myelinated axons. Shows a much more complex than assumed at the present time, the nature of this propagation. A significant impact features associated it with the volume propagation, namely, the vortex nature of the ionic currents and electromagnetic fields propagating spikes is substantiated. It is shown that a significant asymmetry in cross-section of real biological axons, which differs from a circle, promotes mutual compensation of unbalanced vectors of incoming sodium currents. At the same time as a result of algebraic summation appearing vortex component of sodium current, is twisted in one direction or another, depending on the ratio and direction of the incoming currents. At the same time, the accumulation of positively charged Na+ ions for the leading front of spike creates excess concentration of positive ions, since the output into the extracellular space of K+ ions occurs with some delay after the entry of Na+ ions at the leading front of spike. This creates a positively charged region of the membrane, immediately following for the spike, resulting in, as well as centripetal incoming sodium current, is formed their cumulative axial component also. The presence of a helical twist of neurofilament yarns also confirms this fact known, respectively, V. Schauberger's experience with placing filaments into a tube with a spiral flow of a liquid, which consequently turned in a three-dimensional spiral also. He made an experiment showed the association of such filaments (if they housed more than one) in the group with a spiral flow, which is well observed on the axons as they mature in ontogenesis. In accordance with a complex three-dimensional structure shown spike, it can be represented as the total construction consisting of elementary discrete components. The conditions of the ion currents generation are not homogeneous in volume of the axon due to the heterogeneity of intracytoplasmic propagation medium, especially given the numerous inclusions in axoplasm that adequately is reflected in the propagation of surface potential. However, ephaptical (through electromagnetic field) interactions are almost an immanent part of neurons interactions, especially in closely spaced parallel axons of the nerve bundle. In this regard the features of the processes of generation and retraction of the myelin is considered. It is as-sumed that the spiral nature of the space of spike discharges due to helical twisting of the myelin shells around axons is explained. In this case, the electrical activity of axons can be stimulating for oligodendrocytes, which form these shells, otherwise inexplicable is such a numerous number of turns of myelin, is clearly excessive for the electrical insulation of nerve fibers. It was also noted that the primary degradation axon, and, consequently, any function of the spikes propagation, there is a secondary degeneration of myelin, as well as transection of the axon. This changes order is the fastest and most pro-nounced, which may also serve as indirect confirmation of the connection of electrical activity from the axon development and maintenance of the integrity of the myelin shell. Also confirms the fact that increased migration and reproduction of glia at high stimulation of neurons and their high-frequency discharges, for example, during and after excessive motor load of motor neurons of spinal cord and increased afferent stimulation of the cerebellum. It is assumed the most important role of current and potential of vortices in the of a dynamic formation and ongoing maintenance in an appropriate form of the mye-lin shell of axons in connection with which a myelin shell may be the substrate for long-term memory traces at the neuronal level, which may have, including the importance for understanding the mechanisms of development of the pathologies such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. In this regard may and need to create new lines of research of a nervous system, designated by us as neurorotonics - neuroscience section of vortex processes in the nervous system.
Pages: 46-55
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