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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №8 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Ablation of biological tissue by CO<sub>2</sub>-laser pulses with different duration
N.E. Gorbatova, S.A. Zolotov, Ya.O. Simanovskiy, S.S. Alimpiev, S.M. Nikiforov, L.M. Roshal, A.V. Geinitz
Precise layer-by-layer removing pathological tissue structures is required in many fields of medicine. For this purpose, the most promising mode of a CO2-laser impact on biological tissue is the laser ablation, when the removal of tissue occurs in a restricted layer without thermal damage to the periphery of the evaporation zone. The results of experimental studies of the effects of radiation of a repetitively pulsed CO2-laser with transverse discharge on biological tissue are presented. Comparison of the efficiency of the ablation of biological tissue by the radiation of a repetitively pulsed CO2-laser with transverse discharge (the pulse duration 20 µs, the pulse power exceeding 2 kW) and a cw CO2-laser with modulated output radiation (commercial laser surgical apparatus "Lancet-2", the pulse duration 500 µs, the output power 50 W) is carried out. It is shown that the ablation efficiency is higher for a repetitively pulsed laser radiation. The use of the modulated radiation of the cw CO2-laser with the pulse duration of 500 µs results in significantly more thermal damage to the tissue surrounding the area of the impact. Perspectives of the repetitively pulsed CO2-laser in dermatology and plastic reconstructive and plastic surgery are defined. Examples of successful clinical use of the repetitively pulsed CO2-laser with transverse discharge are given.
Pages: 37-45
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