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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №8 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Influence supramolecular structure of water on kinetic isothermal evaporization surface layers. P. 3. The change of contain of coherent domains in distilled water under different external influences
S.N. Novikov, A.I. Yermolaeva, S.P. Timoshenkov, N.P. Perevozchikov
Using methods of registration of kinetics of isothermal evaporation of water and determination of work of exit of electron it was examined the changing of supramolecular structure of distilled water. The water was exposed to the activator of V.Avanesyan and the radiation of red semiconductor laser. It is discovered that the activator generates a strong impact on a supramolecular structure of the water. Shielding of the activator with thin metal doesn-t decrease the efficiency of its influence. Under the activation of the sample of distilled water the concentration of coherent domains increases (from 20 % to 50 %). It is observed after 3 days of exposing. Under bigger exposure the saturation is reached. The activation of water is followed by decreasing of the density and increasing of the size of domains that causes to increasing of their effective dipole moment. The supramolecular structure of the water, which is formed under activation, is not stable. After the removal of activator it relaxes to the initial structure during approximately 10 days. The energy of relaxation is approximately 0,2...0,3 eV, which corresponds to the theoretic evaluation - 0,2 eV. The influence by radiation of red laser with the power of 2 mW to the activated sample of water sharply accelerates the process of disintegration of coherent domains and the comeback to the initial structure takes 0,5...1 hour of exposure.
Pages: 29-36
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