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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №7 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Construction of telemedical system on the basis communication paradigm the Publication/Subscription
V.A. Antipov, O.V. Antipov, A.P. Chehov
Creation of telemedical systems and networks (ТМС) is a component of information of public health services. ТМС is a basis for construction of the uniform information field uniting all elements of system of regional public health services. One of the primary goals of organisation TMS is the problem of system integration of its components. The majority of integration decisions unites diverse appendices: inherited, commercial and created to order. In this case the integration decision should consider all distinctions (the programming language, a platform, a format of data), existing between united systems. Besides, the integration decision should have possibility of adaptation to change of appendices united by it. As transformations to one system involve unpredictable consequences for other systems, at integration of appendices it is important to reduce their interdependence for the account, so-called, weak linkage. The offered integration decision based on an exchange by messages, possesses set of advantages in comparison with other technologies of integration of appendices. The functional part of an exchange of messages is provided with the separate program system named system of an exchange by messages or binding ON, focused on exchange by messages (Message-oriented middleware - MOM). МОМ supports asynchronous data exchange which becomes possible means of realisation in МОМ turns of messages, i.e. buffering, and then their scheduling. In this case it is expedient to use an asynchronous telecommunication paradigm the Publication/Subscription. Advantages of architecture of the publication/subscription define its choice as technology of interaction and functioning of the distributed information-operated appendices. Publication/Subscription use is offered for free communication of components or several independent distributed appendices ТМС. Fundamental aspect in any system of the publication/subscription is expressiveness of the mechanism of the notice, that is how consumers define a subscription. In work the formal specification of systems of the publication/subscription, based on syntax of linear time logic that gives possibility for more detailed and deep understanding of systems of the specified type and for the proof of correctness of their work is described.
Pages: 64-71
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