350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №6 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Influence geophysical factors on health of the person
A.V. Shirobokov, I.A. Leshchev, L.V. Grunskaya, V.N. Burenkov, E.G. Yaskin, A.I. Ershov
The system of multichannel synchronic monitoring was created on the physical experimental station of Vladimir State university. This station is created for monitoring, storing and processing of data of geomagnetic and electric boundary level fields. Since 2009 together with Department of the Russian consumer supervision in the Vladimir region use statistical data on mortality of the population, and also on negotiability of children with diseases of respiratory system from July, 2004 till December, 2006 in Vladimir. Operation on research of influence of space and geophysical factors on indexes of health of the population is carried out. On separate sections of time series high enough correlation between a vertical component of electric field intensity and death rate of the population in Vladimir region is revealed. The possible reasons of earth and space character of the given fact are analyzed. Data on road accident on the Vladimir region were processed. The database on road accidents of the Medicosanitary part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Vladimir region is used. In result significant correlation between vertical making intensity of electric field, a geomagnetic field, Volf's numbers and quantity of road accident in the Vladimir area in 2001-2004 has been revealed. The revealed sections of significant correlative dependence for time series of number of road accident, the victims wounded as a result of road accident across the Vladimir region and electric field intensity of Earth, a geomagnetic field, Wolf numbers for 2001-2004 speak about correlation existence between these processes. The report discusses methods for epidemiological analysis of road traffic injuries on the regional level. The influence of constant-current and periodic environmental factors acting on the index suffered in the clashes. According to the analysis of the curve of a typical monthly median rate occurs seasonally affected by the clashes from April to December. The results can be taken into account in the planning and organization of medical assistance to victims of collisions in the calculation of forces and means of MES and the traffic police in rescue and preventive measures on the roads of the Vladimir region.
Pages: 62-68
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