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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №5 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Diagnostics of relations between different regions of the brain and muscles of the patients base on mutual relations of nonlinear oscillators
N.T. Abdullayev, O.A. Dishin, K.Sh. Ismayilova, Kh.Z. Samedova
Biology and medicine often considers problems of detecting directed relations between elements of complex sys-tems of the considered time series. The problems of detection of directed relations between electroencephalo-graphic signals of brain and electromyographic signals of neuro-muscular system are considered. For this pur-pose, a model of the phase dynamics similar to oscillation phases and calculation of the influence forces of oscil-lators on each other was constructed. The degree of influence of two oscillating systems on each other is as-sessed by means of the analysis of phase dynamics. Application of the model of phase dynamics allows to ex-tend the area of effective application of the method. Phases of the considered narrow-band signals are more ex-posed to changes during the influence on self-oscillatory system that provides high sensitivity of the method to weak relation between signal sources. Normalized index of directivity of the relations is calculated based on the realization ensembles of the modeling system. Results of the work are implemented in the form of a computer program in MATLAB system, allowing to evaluate the relationship between considered regulation contours in the user-friendly way. The obtained estimates are designed to diagnose the state of considered regulatory systems of a man and should be useful in practice in the study of experimental data for the control over the reliability of con-clusions about the directivity of relation.
Pages: 67-72
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