350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №5 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
The EEG-reaction dynamics of the operator in a monotony state under the exposure of MM range low-intensity electromagnetic field
functional state
spectrum analysis
electromagnetic therapy
variation cardio measure
exertion index
complicated visual-motor reaction
N.N. Lebedeva, E.D. Karimova
The human factor is the most prevalent reason of anthropogenic accident, so the actual problem of modern psychophysiology is studying a functional state of the human operator and his deterioration during long work.
Long monotony work provokes the attention deterioration, decrease in vigilance, the nervousness. Monotony is a very dangerous state, but there are only a few psycho- and electrophysiological researches of this study.
It was conduct 30 experiments with 9 volunteers. There were three experiments with each volunteer: Background, Placebo and Exposure. We used EHF-therapy device to improve operator-s functional state. This device was turned on at Exposure experiment only. To provide volunteers weariness in monotonous conditions there was used the driver simulator work during 90 min in our experiments. To estimate the volunteer functional state we conduct EEG-recording with eyes closed and eyes opened before and after driver simulator work and during driving. The EEG-recording has been processed by spectrum analysis, then we have compared and analysed «before» and «after» results and the EEG-recording during the work.
There was found correlation between work quality and EEG-parameters, so volunteers were separated in two groups: with high and low work quality. The comparison of the three experiments data has shown that the worst driving quality concurs with the lowest total EEG power.
The EEG data analysis showed the alpha-rhythm reduction and the lower delta-rhythm increase in Background and Placebo. This EEG dynamics manifested in Exposure. Also, EEG changed less in the group with good driving, so these volunteers are easily moved the monotony state, then volunteers from the second group.
For first group we observed increase of the alpha-rhythm depression in the eyes opened state with good work and for second group - depression reduction in Background. This indicator reflects the brain lability, so we found that the higher this indicator, the better the quality of driving. There were not any essential changes of the alpha-rhythm depression in Placebo and Exposure.
Results of the EEG-reaction during driving had phase nature and different dynamics for volunteers groups.
Pages: 27-35
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