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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №5 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Influence supramolecular structure of water on kinetic isothermal evaporization surface layers. P.2. Energy of disintegration of water coherent domain of water and its role in process isothermic evaporation
S.N. Novikov, A.I. Yermolaieva, S.P. Timoshenkov
The analysis of kinetic curves DTA=f (τ), where τ - evaporation time, has shown that evaporation heat of water depends on supramolecular structure of the sample of water. In a case, when liquid water contains coherent domains (e.g. distilled water), the total evaporation heat grows out of energy superposition absorbed from the environment (endothermic effect) and internal energy of disintegration (exothermal effect). The share of the latter can reach 80 % of the total evaporation heat. With those cases when the sample of water doesn't contain the KD-phase (thawed snow, water taken on the Eve of Epiphany), evaporation energy comes only from environment. The calculated energy disintegration coherent domains making on analysis of kinetic curve DTA=f (τ) satisfy show an agreement wish result received in theory coherent of water.
Pages: 20-27
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