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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №2 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Application of a principal component analysis for an estimation of uniformity of results of researches of microflora surveyed in conditions «dry» immersion
A.M. Nosovsky, Z.O. Solovieva, V.K. Ilyin
Works on application of a principal component analysis (PCA) for processing experimental data are known.
The purpose of the given work is use МГК for creation of homogeneous sample of experimental data which is processed by means of the standard statistical analysis for reception of authentic results of researches of microflora surveyed further.
For this purpose the problem first of all was put to reveal a basic opportunity and utility of use PCA at data processing microflora surveyed on an example of experiment «dry» immersion.
Application PCA at data processing microflora surveyed is shown on an example of the analysis of tests from covering tissues.
Two most informative as the first PC describes 80 % of the general dispersion are chosen from total PC, and the second - 15 %.
As a result of application PCА we managed to solve a problem of decrease in dimension of space of the variables necessary for the description of the investigated phenomenon and allocation in this space of the most significant measurements.
So as a result of research of covering tissues at 9 surveyed it has been revealed authentic (p < 0.05) increase in quantity gram-positiv cocci and a level of the general microbic microbial capacity for 7 day in comparison with background data.
Results of research have shown characteristic changes of a microbic landscape investigated biotopes surveyed, habitual conditions of dwelling arising in reply to change (modelled influence of weightlessness). At all surveyed changes of a microbic landscape investigated biotopes have been fixed, the quantities expressed in increase gram-positiv cocci - that testifies to presence of a risk factor of inflammatory diseases.
The basic opportunity and utility of use МГК is shown at data processing microflora of volunteers - verifiers on an example of experiment «dry» immersion. The received results testify to perspectivity of use PCA at processing experimental data.
Pages: 42-47
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