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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №2 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Typological analysis of radial artery pulse signal spectral charachteristics
A.A. Desova, V.V. Gychyk, A.A. Dorofeyuk, J.A. Dorofeyuk
By now there were held a wide variety of investigations, dedicated to heart rate variability and slow-wave diapason oscillation structure parameters diagnostic significance estimation. However potentialities of this approach are not exhausted, and there are a lot of problems, demanding further investigations. In this paper we present the results of oscillation units complex synchronous analysis, which are formed from different functional significant quasiperiodic biosignal elements. The investigations were carried out on the basis of the statistical material, received during clinical researches of children and teenagers, which were focused on the initial stage arterial hypertension detection. More than 400 patients with a variety of functional disturbance, aged from 9 to 16 years, were examined. All types of diseases were divided into two classes: first class (149 patients) ? initial arterial hypertension, second class (253 patients) ? various types of psychosomatic functional pathology along with the normal arterial tension. In the examined data array during the quasiperiods duration dynamic series spectral density analysis, by expertise six main types, characterized by manifestation rate of the slow wave range oscillation units, were chosen. In order to receive objective data for spectral density type the formalized classification (typology) of the spectral density curves, each of which are equal to peak value relation of some pair of oscillation components, was carried out. The object distribution among the different dynamic series spectral density types was analyzed for three base pulse wave parameters: the quasiperiod duration, the relative time of the dicrotic wave beginning, the temporal coordinate of the dicrotic wave peak. The comparative analysis of percentage objects distribution among the spectrum types for this parameters give evidence of their essential distinctions. It was found, that for each of three examined pulse wave parameters the concrete spectrum type is most significant. For this case the investigation of distribution specificity among the object spectrum type, characterizing two disease types (1st class - initial arterial hypertension, 2nd class - functional pathology along with the normal arterial tension), was carried out. For each of investigated pulse wave parameters the spectrum types, possessing the largest difference in vector quantity between 1st and 2nd classes, were marked out. The investigation results showed, that the temporal coordinate of the dicrotic wave peak is the most informative parameter for 1st and 2nd classes differentiation. The examined spectrum form typological analysis allows to mark out the most informative parameters and pulse signal spectrum types during the 1st and 2nd investigated disease classes differentiation. The most informative are those indices, which are determined by the pulse signal dicrotic wave oscillatory components.
Pages: 33-38
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