350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №12 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Medico-physiological peculiarities of application of standardization for the examination of the quality of medical care in the industrial health
V.V. Norenko
The article describes the current issues of standardization for the examination of quality of care in the healthcare industry with available medical and physiological features. The importance of the challenges facing the health care industry is not in question, but to achieve them should be organized quality health care workforce. To the task of increasing the quality and availability of health care is not relegated to the background, you must have some guidance, standards that allow for the planning, quality of care, evaluate results and implement short-and long-term forecasting. By the quality of medical care (ILC) in the healthcare industry should be understood as the totality of characteristics of medical care, reflecting its ability to meet the needs of active patients with the medical and physiological anthropoecological Type of industrial health. It is now necessary to question the obsolescent thesis that appropriate medical care to existing and accepted standards is the criterion of efficiency. Standards should not be viewed as the maximum achievable target course and not as a criterion for judging the high medical-physiological quality and efficiency of health care in the health care industry, and as a lower threshold of sufficiency. Medical standards are the starting point for the development of recommendations and orders for the care, the first of which are advisory in nature, and the second - required for their approval at the federal and regional levels. Standards, recommendations and procedures of medical care are the basis for the development of medical and physiological protocols for patients. Medical and physiological features of standardization and quality assessment of health care in the health care industry related to the specific health care working contingent. During the institutional medical-physiological examination of the quality of care in the healthcare industry must be a commitment to the principles of the new subordinated institutions and medical management techniques adapted to the social conditions and anthropoecologic industrial sector. Quality of care is one of the most important parts of the modern health care setting health care industry, which is based on the application of the recommendations of international and national standards. Thus, the objective examination of the quality of care in the healthcare industry is based on the standards, guidelines, orders (regulations) of care and patient management protocols.
Pages: 9-12
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