350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №11 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
The wavelet analysis of cardio intervals
S.M. Zakharov
The paper represented the wavelet methodology, which allows estimating the degree of non-stationary in cardio vascular system rhythmic process. The results of measurements of heart rate variability, obtained by method of photoplethysmography with the optoelectronic pair pressed against to the surface of the body, was used as the initial data. Photoplethysmogram was recorded by a device «Biomouse» designed in «Neurolab». Wavelet was chosen as the oscillating exponential function, nonzero in the frequency - dependent time window. A sequence of values represented in the form of cardio function with a constant time step, calculated by using a cubic spline interpolation. The considered methodology may be used in further application of the prenosological diagnostics of men-s functional states.
Pages: 43-48
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