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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №11 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
About structure of mineral waters
N.I. Sinitsyn, V.A. Elkin, V.M. Shestopalov, N.P. Moiseeva, A.J. Moiseev, O.V. Betskii
One of ways of treatment and preventive maintenance of various diseases is course application of drinking mineral waters. Definition of concentration of specific components at which their biological influence on an organism comes to light, is carried out on the basis of results of physiological researches and empirical supervision. In definition of mineral waters it is not mentioned structure of water to which earlier did not give special value. At the same time water structure - a subject of researches of many scientists and their opinion on this question it is ambiguous. In article it is informed, that at the heart of data about water structure known representations about preservation in a liquid phase of water of coordination of molecules, grating orderliness and cluster to water structure are lay. Since 1998 authors spend studying of the nature of structuration of water environments, their rezonansno-wave status and, depending on it, influence of water on organism ability to live. New laws of features of behavior of water environments are opened; results of researches find a wide way out in practice. It is revealed, that the system «water a component of bioenvironment - resonant millimetric (MM) waves» underlies ability to live processes. It is revealed, that the MM radiation of low intensity at interaction with the water containing environment can lead to change of structure of this environment only in the event that the water containing environment is already structured. And, it occurs on quite certain resonant frequencies. And these frequencies are unequivocally defined by structure of the water containing environment, and also structure contacting to water containing environment nanononhomogeneous of a surface insoluble in water of an external material. In the doctrine about mineral waters the question on structure still is till now absolutely white stain though formation conditions create preconditions for their consideration as structured. It is represented to authors, that mineral waters, being structured, active, influence endocellular water. In article at studying of structuration of mineral water high-sensitivity not revolting radio-electronic methods of measurements are used. For research mineral waters of the most known deposits in Ukraine - Mirgorod and Truskavetsky are chosen. Water structurization is understood as process of streamlining of a spatial arrangement of molecules-dipoles of water under the influence of external factors. Among them there can be nanononhomogeneous surfaces of insoluble substances in water, and also electromagnetic fields. The structurization phenomenon is experimentally investigated by a method direct of low intensity IR radiation pass across the water containing environment and method IR-EHF (MM or extremely high frequensy) the spectroscopy, allowing to investigate structurization of samples of water from interaction from MM low intensity radiation. Various samples of water - double distillate, mineral «Mirgorod», water Mirgorod of water pipe, mineral «Naftusya» and the solution of salts modeling mineral «Mirgorod» water are experimentally investigated. Additional structurization of samples of water was reached by their contact to a surface of glass, silicon, teflon films. In live organisms it is reached by action of fabrics surrounding water. Water «Naftusya» is structured more strongly, than double distillate of water and other samples, conceding only to «Mirgorod» water. It is possible to make the conclusion from schedules of IR-EHF spectra about affinity of properties of mineral waters "Naftusya " and «Mirgorod». And also about that solutions of salts which sometimes try to give out for is artificial mineralize mineral water, that to the full are not. On the basis of found out distinctions IR of a transparency of the investigated samples of water possibility of construction of diagnostic equipment for revealing of suitability of use in a life and medicine not only natural mineral water opens. Further this approach can be extended to the analysis of water of other natural sources, and also waters of artificial formation. The major conclusion from the spent experiments appears that fact what exactly structured mineral «Mirgorod» and «Naftusya » waters at interaction with EHF radiation give unequivocal responses in certain strips of frequencies. This fact is basic in millimetric and terahertz to medicine, widely now in use. The best results EHF of therapy are reached by affinity of working frequencies EHF of influence to own frequencies of healthy fabrics. Therefore it is possible to believe, that in case of use at treatment of mineral water of necessary structure at its interaction with own radiation of living tissues for the bill of processes of synchronization there is a frequency trim of pathologically changed fabrics to own frequencies of radiation of healthy fabrics if fabrics had not time to undergo considerable pathological changes. In job for the first time it is shown, that mineral waters have certain structure owing to what their additional positive medical resonance-wave influence on an organism through influence on water biological to a component is carried out.
Pages: 27-42
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