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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №10 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Use of tetrapolar methods during rheoophtalmography for an estimation of blood supply inside an eye
P.V. Luzhnov, V.B. Parashin, D.M. Shamaev, E.N. Iomdina, G.A. Markosyan, O.A. Napylova
Estimation of hemodynamics parameters is important criterion for diagnostics not only eye, but also systemic diseases of human vascular system. Applicability of such estimation is determined by growth of number of chronic vascular diseases nowadays. In such pathologies of eye as diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, retina vessel-s occlusion and others, investigations of eye-s hemodynamics can provide not only additional information about pathogenesis and probable treatment methods, but also provide opportunity of early diagnostics and are used as treatment control. Among noninvasive diagnostic methods of vascular system, one can specify impedance pletismography method (reography), allowing to carry out also monitoring of hemodynamic parameters. Hence reoophtalmography (ROG) can be applied in case of using reography method during investigation of organ of vision. In classical techniques bipolar method of registration reoophtalmographic signal are used. Researching of rheoophtalmografic signal is contour analysis consist of determination of graph basic points. At the analysis of rheowave use both amplitude, and time indicators. The amplitude of a signal is named a rheographic index. The relation of amplitude of a systolic wave to amplitude of diastolic wave reflects mainly a tone of arterioles and a condition of peripheral vascular resistance. The inverse relation of amplitudes of the specified waves reflects type of neurovascular reactions of large blood vessels of an eye. Degree of elasticity of blood vessels walls can be estimated under the relation of amplitude of a signal to amplitude of a differential wave, rheowave delay time is an indicator of the module of the elasticity, defined as the relation of time from the beginning of to its maximum to duration of all wave. Performed investigations showed validity of usage of tetrapolar method for ROG. It makes possible modeling of processes of blood filling of the eye, resulting in measured quantities of globulin and localization of investigated zone, and trustworthy rates of volume bloodflow in investigated eye area.
Pages: 18-21
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