350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №1 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Monopulse Gas Discharge Visualization of Biological Objects
А.V. Haimin
The method of gas discharge visualization is consider in the paper. The main idea of the method is excitation of gas discharge near surface of biological object and it-s registration on the camera for the later processing. The taken image is illustrate distribution of potential relief of the skin area. Diagnostic decision may be taken in the result of it-s analysis. The method is obvious and noninvasive. The development of the method for rise contrast discrimination to detects more details is proposed. The traditional mean-based methods of noise reduction can-t be use because of structure changes they cause. The alternate method is based on processing of the video sequence. In the each frame of it monopulse image are contain. Sucha processing may be perform via one of the proposed algorithms. First is based on order statistics. Second on wavelet transform. For the firs algorithm theoretical model and it-s experimental provment are consider. Experiments with two algorithms for definition it-s impact to noise reduction and high frequency part of image are perform. Summary. The proposed theoretical model is proved by experiments. Both algorithms have a noise reduction. The wavelet-based algorithm in main form. The firs algorithm is save high frequency part of image more than wavelet based algorithm.
Pages: 32-36
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