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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №1 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
About Optimum Quantity of Pockets of Histograms for Interquantil Analysis of the RR-Intervalogramm
A.A. Kuznetzov, A.A. Plekhanov
At construction of experimental function of density of distribution of probabilities of events for object in the form of a parametrical digital number the problem by definition of a kind of this function usually dares. At the decision of this problem it is recommended to spend smoothing of the histogram with reception of a curve of experimental range. Under its form the decision in favor of this or that function of distribution also is made. A smoothing major factor is definition of the size of pockets of the histogram. The quantity of columns with identical width of pockets on the histogram is estimated under the formula of Stardzhesa or other empirical parities between the size of a digital number and optimum on the basis of smoothness quantity of columns. However, if the above-stated problem isn't put, also necessity of the subsequent procedures, it is necessary to call into question in a part and quantities of pockets. At research of topological structure of diagrams of a rhythm of heart propensity of a rhythm to the organiza-tion on diagrams complexes of associations of the "working" (filled) circles has been found out. Research in this part leads to necessity of use «Interquantil method» with own technology of selection and appointment of the sizes of pockets. At research of a topological microstructure of diagrams of a rhythm of heart necessity for appointment of pockets at all disappears, as their quantity equally automatically to number of "working" circles, and width an interval to a step of the digitization set by the registering device. The statistical analysis of the rhythmogram contains an estimation of the form of its function of distribution. Thus one of most often used conditions of processing of experimental data is smoothing of histograms for approach of the form of range of experimental distribution to the form required. In a graphic format ритмограмма represents the diagram of a rhythm of heart as macroprocess on set of microconditions - circles. In this case application of technology of smoothing of ranges of histograms cleans the information on micro-conditions. The structural topological analysis levels diagrams demands preservation of this information with application of new forms of representation of experimental function of distribution. At research of warm vascular system and system of heart with application of physical and mathematical methods of the analysis by the only thing the method of an estimation of variability of a warm rhythm with use of statistical and spectral methods is recommended. In development of this method earlier authors had been offered a method of interkvantil - a method of analysis RR-intervalogramms with realization in a program complex «System analysis of dynamics of a rhythm».
Pages: 23-31
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