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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №1 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
The Method of Electroimpedance Diagnosis of the Breast Cancer
A.A. Semchenkov
The new method of electroimpedance diagnostics of breast cancer was developed. The current flows through the electrode pairs located in the form of a rectangular grid on the surface of mammary gland. Border electrodes are used as current electrodes. Other electrodes are used for the voltage measuring. The computer model was used for investigation of the proposed electroimpedance diagnostics method. The model represents a matrix of 3700 resistors in the form of cylinder. The whole model consists of 5 main layers with intermediate layers of resistors. The upper layer of the cylindrical model corresponding to the surface of the breast consists of resistors with nominal value 1 kOhm. Each of the 256 nodes of upper layer can be connected to the positive pole of a current source. Voltages can be measured in all nodes. The inside layers of the model (from second to fifth) are composed of resistors with nominal value 100 Ohm. The tumor is simulated by changing the resistance of 12 resistors making up a cube. The distributions of potential on the upper layer of model for various current electrodes location are shown on the figures. The full scanning circle in compliance with "diagonal scheme" uses 34 locations of current electrodes. Total number of measurements of voltage on potential electrodes is equal to 8 646. The presented results show the fundamental possibility of this method use for the breast cancer detection and localization. After preliminary detection of a tumor localization more accurate location and size identification can be implemented with the use of all the rest electrode pairs in the vicinity of the preliminary located tumor area using the same way as described above.
Pages: 4-7
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