350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №9 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Mathematical Model of Chemical Regulation of Respiratory System of the Organism
Т.V. Matjushev, M.V. Dvornikov
The work purpose consisted in working out and a substantiation of mathematical model of chemical regulation of respiratory system of organism. For achievement of the specified purpose it was necessary to solve following problems: 1) to develop model of active mechanisms of regulation of breath; 2) to compare results of computing experiment with experimental data. The model of active mechanisms of external breath represented system of the equations for definition of dy-namics of ventilation depending , and рН. For base model of active mechanisms we had been chose the algebraic model which has obtained the greatest recognition Gray J.S. The developed system of the equations in which basis the regulation principle on a deviation is put, allows defining current values of ventilation of lungs at change of gas structure of arterial blood. The analysis of the received results of comparison of calculations with theoretical curves allows asserting, that the model of chemical regulation of gas exchange adequately reflects character of physiological reactions. The system aspires to reduce to a minimum of a deviation resulted above chemical indicators of arterial blood from the adjusting values which sizes correspond to optimum concentration in blood О2, СО2 and Н + (conditions of «chemical comfort»).
Pages: 67-71
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