350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №9 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
The Influence of Electromagnetic Irradiation of Components of Water Medium by Microwaves of Low Intensity on Toxicity of Cadmium for Microalga
L.D. Gapochka, M.G. Gapochka, T.S. Drozhzhina, O.B. Shavyrina
For the last decades alongside with chemical contamination so called «electromagnetic contamination of medium» in accordance with the CART terminology has been generated. It appeared as the result of building powerful sources of electromagnetic radiations (ER) that has led to augmentation in thousand times of an electromagnetic background of the Earth and to occurrence of the new biospheric factor - nonionizing ER an anthropogenic parentage. The appearance of the new factor bears in itself not only direct danger, but also the mediated influence on biological objects including a human being in the medium of their habitation as a result of combined activity and chemical combinations polluting the nature. In the given operation the influence of irradiation ER of a gamut of the extra high frequency (EXF) waters, a nutrient medium and cadmium on development of culture green microalga Scenedesmus quadricauda has been studied. The results of studying have shown that irradiation ER EXF of components of medium and cadmium solutions makes essential impact on toxicity of cadmium, but the assessment of biological consequences of an irradiation is ambiguous. The considerable decrease in toxicity of cadmium for microalga culture after the irradiation of its solution and also the full detoxification of the combined effect of cadmium and phenol have been revealed. These data make the practical application ER for decrease in toxicity of the water mediums containing these materials, including, and sewage perspective. However the facts of augmentation of toxicity of cadmium, firstly, after an irradiation of its solutions and, se-condly, under the influence of an irradiation of water medium that is extremely actual in monitoring of contamination of connatural objects by heavy metals taking into account sharp augmentation of anthropogenic background ER invoke special attention and fears.
Pages: 51-56
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