350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №8 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Influence of Electromagnetic Waves of Terahertz Range at the Frequencies of Molecular Spectrum of Nitric Oxide on the Microcirculation of Bone Tissue in Sharp and Chronic Immobilization Stress
V.F. Kirichuk, S.I. Kireev, N.V. Bogomolova, A.P. Krenitsky, V.N. Belonogov
The object of the study was investigation of the influence of electromagnetic radiation of terahertz range at the frequencies of molecular spectrum of nitric oxide (THz-NO) on the microcirculation disorders in the osseous tissue and marrow of the laboratory rats caused by immobilization stress. Marked changes in micro vessels of bone tissue in the rats subjected to sharp and chronic immobilization stress were estimated. It was shown that simultaneously influence of terahertz waves of terahertz range at the frequencies of molecular spectrum of nitric oxide (THz-NO) and stressor agent prevents and restore the microcirculation disorders in the osseous tissue. The best results of the microcirculation disorders in the osseous tissue prevention were obtained in 3 and 7 groups of experimental animals, where the duration of terahertz waves radiation were 15 minutes. Usage of THz-therapy-NO can be.
Pages: 49-53
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